On Your Block - Installment #4

An interview with Aric Wilson, Mr. SoCal Leather 2019 by Eric Crow (Aric wears the Leather, it doesn't wear him.) In January, Aric Wilson became the current Mr. SoCal Leather and went on to place first runner up at Los Angeles Mr. Leather in March. I met him in person backstage while volunteering, and he had a way about him, a certain glow, that spoke beyond words. We all saw that glow later on during the physique section, sporting that barely there singlet. All that...personality...gave us all our life that night. As for the person wearing the singlet, it's been fun getting to know him online and in person, and to hear him speak, you wouldn't know that he's a relative newcomer to the scene--"just over a year and change," he says. There are echoes of his journey in my own, and I think that's what drew me to him. Aric is a member of Onyx SoCal-SW , and goes by the name Puck Onyx . When I asked why, his answer came quick. ...