Moments of magic at Palm Springs Leather Pride - by Eric Crow

Palm Springs Leather Pride was last weekend. It was my first time going to this event in almost a decade. Here are some of the memorable moments. As always, these are my personal moments--yours may vary. 1) Seeing Pony and actually getting a chance to sit and talk with him, and in more than just passing. Of course, the subject got around to Prince. (I hope to be giving SoCal a taste of him at a future events). 2) Noms at Blaze Pizza. All that fun and frolic made me hungry, but I wasn’t into much of the “boutique food” on Palm Canyon. Except for Blaze Pizza. The price was right (important to a titleholder) and it’s the first time I ever had butternut squash on a flat bread pizza—OM NOM NOM NOM. After the Canyon Club and Starbucks, this was the perfect compliment to the afternoon. 3) Tool Shed Parking Lot Party. I got my boots done by Bootblack for the first time in about a decade. He was the first person to ever touch the boots I most often wear to events. And it was still ...