"What are we if we're not together?"

(Davids' Place Coffeehouse, a staple of Hillcrest for many years) I wrote this article in 1994, when I was named as Assistant Editor to the newsletter for Being Alive San Diego, an HIV/AIDS advocacy and service organization that started in the 80s with an office on Park Blvd. in San Diego. I'm publishing it here as is because of "sudden" content that has surfaced regarding Democratic Candidate for President, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s stance on vaccines and the cause of AIDS. I put "sudden" in quotes because I only just found out about it, but apparently, he's been on the denialist bandwagon for many years, and spent the better part of yesterday disgusted by what I learned." I was 25 at the time I wrote the article and my views reflected the world through the eyes of someone as young, but the main points still apply. It's a crying shame that it's 2023 and we still have to be at work debunking misinformation of this magnitude. "Togeth...