Innerview With A Bear - by Eric F. Crow

(In full regalia, photo by Tristan Sutphin ) Heath Hooper is the current Mr. World Bear 2023 . Last September, he competed at World Bear Weekend alongside with our own Mr. LA Leather Bear 2020, Alan Gabriel. He's just a little past the halfway point of his reign, and I wanted to see how he saw the proverbial forest shaping up. Coming from the days of IBR (Int'l Bear Rendezvous), personally, it's been a relief to know that there is a pathway for Bears that find themselves up to the task have a pathway to the proverbial top of the intercontinental Bear pile. They picked things up and ran with them, having most recently with their landmark decision to remove the gender requirement from all titles in their system. Heath is a great way to return to regular content here at New Horizons For Fifty. On with the interview. Eric: How has your title year gone? Where have you been and what have you done with your time? Heath : My title year and my fiftieth earth year so far has been...