On Your Block (Premiere)

An Interview With Jolene Raquel LaSalle - by Eric Crow Picture this: A talent show stage at a mountain retreat in 2016. People are waiting backstage waiting to go on in a spectrum that ranges from slightly nervous to full-on stage fright. About 25 minutes into the show, a woman dressed in elegant black is told by the stage manager that she is on next. She proceeds to sing her heart out to a Patsy Cline song, and the audience loving every minute of it and cheering her on and showing her the kind of support she’s long dreamed about having. There is a paradigm shift in the world that night, and it produces Jolene Racquel LaSalle. If you spend any time around Jolene, you learn three things: a) she loves to share her gifts with the world because of her love of live and living freely; b) if you have inspired her, she’s not shy about letting you know and she has a tendency to catch you off guard with words of affirmation or gratit...