Why I am glad to be an Eagle (anchorage)
Framework concept #1 for New Horizons For Fifty is Tapestry. Framework concept #2 is Anchorage. There's just something about seeing my Leather family from high places that makes everything inside alright again. Part of it is that when you go to Leather events that are well attended, getting around inside the venue is always a challenge. I wouldn't change that for anything, but after a while, it takes some doing to push through a crowd. Because see, I don't just like to stay in one place when at a Leather event. Part of it is the Daddy in me, who circles the perimeter making sure everything is safe. The other part is that I like to soak in as much of an experience as I possibly can. The first time I experienced what I'm talking about was while onstage competing at the 2004 International Mr. Bear Contest (IBRX). Only then, I was too gobsmacked to really understand it. A year later, it happened again, this time on the 12th St. sta...