Why I am glad to be an Eagle (anchorage)

Framework concept #1 for New Horizons For Fifty is Tapestry. 
Framework concept #2 is Anchorage.

There's just something about seeing my Leather family from high places that makes everything inside alright again. 

Part of it is that when you go to Leather events that are well attended, getting around inside the venue is always a challenge. I wouldn't change that for anything, but after a while, it takes some doing to push through a crowd. 

Because see, I don't just like to stay in one place when at a Leather event. Part of it is the Daddy in me, who circles the perimeter making sure everything is safe. The other part is that I like to soak in as much of an experience as I possibly can. 

The first time I experienced what I'm talking about was while onstage competing at the 2004 International Mr. Bear Contest (IBRX). Only then, I was too gobsmacked to really understand it. A year later, it happened again, this time on the 12th St. stage at Folsom Street Fair 2005, during the Titleholders reception. I walked out on the stage when I was introduced--"Eric Crow--Mr. San Diego Eagle 2005"--and then I looked out toward 7th Street. 

I saw people. Lots of people. Tens of thousands of people. A sea of Leather and skin and desire. All one body, one being. 

This, I realized, is the community I serve. Whether a 25-year veteran in the community or going to Folsom for the first time, this is my community. These are my people. Being part of this community means claiming them as my own.

I've also experienced this on a smaller scale during San Diego Pride 1999 (silver anniversary), when Joan Jett and Berlin were double-headliners, and I looked behind me and saw thousands of people (thousands); and then in 2006 at the Eagle Tavern the Sunday of Hairrison Street Fair (remember this event, anyone?), when I was caught a shot of the crowd from the stage. 

Also, if you sit high enough in the stands at a game or a concert and you're paying attention, you see the crowd and feel the energy. If you were lucky to go to a Prince concert, you know the Daoist moment you felt when the lights when down and crowd roared, but that's more of a "Future Soul Song" moment. 

I'm going somewhere with this, so please excuse the long intro/digression.

Last night, at the Mr. Eagle562 Contest, I saw it again, while sitting on the bootblack stand, now back in the same place it was when the Eagle was Pistons. The bootblack stand is one of the most iconic artifacts in the Los Angeles Leather community, and many people were happy to donate to restore the chair and bring it to the Eagle.  

My time in the chair was all of 15 minutes. I introduced someone from my San Diego family to Alan Tunstall (Int'l. Mr. Bootblack 2004 and Sister Magically Delicious of LASPI). reached down for to kiss Pup Yoshi and congratulate him on a great first year ("you've left some big boots to fill.") Neither one of us were tall enough to reach all the way, so we had to kiss the space between us.

When I sat in the chair and looked out at all the people, I saw my community. I saw my people. The people I am privileged to work for and work with. I saw them as one organized whole. Yes, organized, despite the flaws and disputes and challenges that we all face as Leatherfolk. Whole and complete. Perfect in our imperfections. 

Sitting in the chair reminded me again that I am part of that community. As I wrote a couple years ago, you are my anchorage. Anchorage is defined as "an area that is suitable for a ship to anchor in," as well as "the action of securing something to a base or the state of being secured." 

In other words, my Leather family is safe harbor. You are where I launch from when I embark on journeys into deep sensation and you are where I dock when I come home and want to play.

It should be that way for anyone who wants to join. 

No matter who you are, what you look like, what your size is, what chromosomes you have, etc., etc., etc., what we all share in common is the need for safe passage and safe harbor. It is from this space that we feel encouraged to wade out into deeper waters and shoot for greater goals. 

NO ONE has the right to take that away from ANYONE. 

Thoughts about the rest of the weekend will come in the near future, as this is where New Horizons is heading this year. But my pledge this year is to actively create anchorage for anyone who wants it or needs it. I encourage you to join me. Namaste.


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