NH4F blurb (Leather Journal ad text)

This is the blurb that now appears in The Leather Journal's "Hump Day" e-mailer, courtesy of Dave Rhodes:

New Horizons For Fifty: A Different View of Things is the domain for the writer/artist Eric Crow, who manifests in the Leather/Bear Community as Eagle Bear. 

New Horizons For Fifty is designated a “snark-free zone” and is an extension of me and the communities I serve. 

Our three pillars are tapestry, anchorage and living history. Featuring interviews, inspirations and imaginings from the deepest, wildest part of the heart, New Horizons For Fifty is a sacred space of magick, where dancing to the beat of your own drum is the norm.


The soul in the image below has some questions. What do you see when you look at this his hands? What do you see when you look in his eyes? What does he want? What does he want from you? From you? What does he hope the world will become? Who else besides his Higher Power does he believe in? What does he know about the world that others might not? Would he rather be the sage or the potter? The mage or the image?


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