And the winner is...

by Eric Crow November sky in Lodi, Ohio With the money from my future earnings, I'll be able to go on a getaway weekend to places like San Francisco and not have to worry about being on a tight budget. I'll be able to take my partner to concerts and the theater (and it doesn't hurt at all that there's a nice hotel right across the street from the office). I'll be able to start saving money for big ticket items, like my first trip to Europe. Wine tastings. Pets. Etc., etc., etc... On the news the other day was an item how nobody picked the winning numbers for the $325 million dollar Mega Millions, complete with the usual pics showing lines at convenience stores and "on the street" interviews asking people what they would do with the money. Me, I always answer that question from my Higher self, with a great deal more pragmatism than I think I would if I actually chose the winning numbers. I would set up charities and fund people to fo...