Innerview with a Titleholder (by Eric Crow and Ascary Scott Navarro)

World Bear Weekend is coming up August 1-4 in Lexington, Kentucky. This contest and weekend kicked off in 2018 and they currently have four titles that people can try out for--World Bear, World Cub, Ms. World Bear and World Pet. We were privileged to hear from from Heath Hooper and Jonathan Daniels earlier this year. It's time now to hear from David Sugar and Haifisch Katchen, who are completing their title years respectively as World Cub and World Pet. David's interview is below and Haifisch will be released over the weekend. For more information on the event and its history, please visit


NH4F: How did you come to identify as a Leatherbear? Was it like a second coming out or just a step forward in your own evolution as a person?

David: The first two contests I competed for were Mr. Maryland Leather in November 2019, where I placed first runner up; then following tradition, I competed at Mid Atlantic Leather in January 2020. I was already part of the Leather community as a member of The ShipMates Club of Baltimore, as well as being a member of Capital Pups and Handlers. Then the pandemic hit in March and there were no contests for at least a year. Bears, Bikers and Mayhem held their first Mayhem contest towards the end of August 2021. I met Duke, Mr. Mayhem Leather 2021/MAL 2022, and originally thought about competing for that title in May 2022. Then about a month before the contest, a friend suggested it might be better if I competed for Mr. Mayhem Leather Bear, since I could also represent as a Bear/Cub. I thought it over and decided to run with it. Mr. Mayhem Leather Bear combines both communities inside one title.  

(The "Mayhems")


NH4F: Since earning your titles of World Cub 2023 and Mr. Mayhem Leather Bear 2022, tell us about some of the changes and challenges you have seen?

David: Honestly, the biggest challenge we face in our community is finding those that want to step up as Leaders. I see a lot of the younger generation getting into the Kink/Leather/Bear communities coming in and wanting to have fun, but when it comes to stepping up and being a Leader, helping with events or fundraising for nonprofits etc., they don't show up. I also feel that the older generation needs to do more to help welcome in the younger generation and make sure they have the right values of respect and understanding of the past.

(With Colton Bell, Mr. Mayhem Leather 2022)

NH4F: What bonds and friendships have you formed with any of your contestants in either IML or WBW?

David: I've made a lot of friendships through both contests. It's inevitable since everyone is sharing the experience. Competing for these titles shouldn't be about competing against others but competing with them. Also, IML in itself is an experience. What other contest can you compete in and make friends with over fifty others from around the world? While both contests are special in their own right, IML really focuses on making the event an experience, something that can't easily be conveyed without experiencing it as a contestant.


(With Lord Thunderknight, Mr. Mayhem Leather Bear 2023)

NH4F: What did you learn about yourself while competing at IML? WBW? What did you learn about Bear/Leather community for each? What were your challenges? What moments during each contest did you shine the most?

David: A lot of emotions come out at IML, more so than at World Bear Weekend. WBW is a much newer competition and they don't have traditions in place like IML does. What I can say I learned about myself, from all contests I've competed in, is that I've grown as a Leatherperson, as well as in the communities I belong to and the experiences I've had. I've always been active in the community, whether DJing an event or volunteering my time on a Board. To be successful at these events, you need to show the work you've done in the community prior to competing. Judges will typically ask why you want to compete for a title and you'd better be ready to show what you'll do with the title should you win.


(Competing at IML 2023)

NH4F: What motivated you to create the Disability Accessible Project?

David: Starting with Mr. Maryland Leather, I had to give a ninety second on-stage statement. I had to connect myself back to the statement, and part of that connection is that I am on the autism spectrum with Aspergers Syndrome. At the first MAL (Mid Atlantic Leather) I went to in January 2019, I saw others around me having the opportunity to play but I didn't feel the same opportunity. I was talking to someone and they suggested flagging since it's a non-verbal way to communicate. As you might know, those on the autism spectrum might not read the non-verbal social cues as well. That was the start to what would become Disability Accessible Project, and there is more coming from this project once my title year is completed. No matter the person's disability, I feel it's important that anyone and everyone should have access to attend events in our community, should they wish to come. It takes work and listening to others, but if we continue to put in the work, we can make sure our spaces and events are accessible to all.

NH4F: Where do you see yourself in the Leather and Bear community in the next few years?

David: I'm working on a few projects--a contest and a nonprofit--which I hope to launch within the next year. I see myself as a Leader in the community and helping others, not only through what I am working on, but also by giving back and making sure others can share in the great experiences I've had. That includes being available to help with contests, whether as a judge, tally master, part of the den staff, being a judge's person, etc.. Also, if someone were to come to me wanting to compete for any title, I'm more than willing to help get them where they need to be so they are ready to compete for their first title.


(Euphoric moment of having the stole placed on David's body)

NH4F: Thinking about current events in the LGBTQ+ community, what concerns do you have in regard to the upcoming election and the impact of the setbacks we might face? How do we fight back?

David: Should the unthinkable happen and Trump is the next President, I'd first take a wait and see approach as to what happens. If it happens that there is work on trying to overturn same-sex marriage or other rights, I'd encourage the community to contact their local lawmakers and make their voices heard. Nothing will happen unless we make our voices heard. I'm lucky to live in a liberal state that will protect most freedoms but for those who live in conservative states, I'd really encourage them to work together. Find your local LGBTQ+ organizations and work with them to make sure we are heard. Eventually those actions will have an impact. Also, VOTE! If we go out in force and vote, it can lessen the impact, even if Trump were to win. The President can't always make change on their own; they need the backing of lawmakers, and if lawmakers don't support the President, then it's harder for the President to meet their agenda.

NH4F: What's your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?

David: depends on the weather and time of year. If it's cool outside, I just like staying in bed or sitting on the couch, watching tv. 


 (Living the Mayhem life)

NH4F: If given the chance, would you ever compete again? Why or why not?

David: I've accomplished a lot with my title; at least for right now, it's time for me to focus on myself and my community projects. It's time to let others step up, compete and win titles and support them along the way.

NH4F: What advice do you have for anyone considering tossing their hat in the ring?

David: My biggest piece of advice, do not go into a competition alone. Reach out to past and current titleholders. They have experience and knowledge on what you need to do prior to competing. Ask yourself “Why compete for this title?” If you can't answer that question, you might want to reconsider. Make sure you can show the work you've done in the community prior to competing. As my Alpha told me, you need to do the work before competing for a title. Finally, go into competing for the right reasons. The experience should be enjoyable and successful and leave you with friends you've shared the experience with.


 (Your World Cub 2023)


(Stay tuned for the innerview with Haifisch Katschzen, World Pet 2023, and my listicle of San Diego LGBTQ+ Pride 2024, 50th anniversary, both coming next week.)


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