Inner View of a Pet - by Eric Crow and Jonathan Daniels


During the process of interviewing the current Mr. World Bear, Heath Hooper, it made perfect sense to reach out to his husband, Jonathan Daniel, who has also served as an international titleholder (North American Pet 2022). What followed was one of the most unique experiences I have ever had in all the interviews I have done, and there have been many. This is also the most collaborative interview in the history of New Horizons to date--it's making me reconsider how I approach the idea of an interview. Jonathan is a treasure trove of quotable lines that are quite relevant in regards to the life of a titleholder, as well as the cherished subjects of body positivity and personal empowerment, and he presents a very healthy outlook on the subject of Pet play and the Pet community. I don't think I would have learned as much as I did using the "send questions, wait for answers" format that I use. Get ready to get deep, because this is a five-course meal of an interview. If you don’t walk away from the table feeling full from this…anyway, on to the interview.

NH4F: How Did you come to awareness of your Pet identity? 

Jonathan: For the longest time, I didn’t think I had one or even knew about it. It started back in 2018 when I ran for NAB when they had their four titles (Bear, Cub, Muscle Bear, and Bear Hunter). The theme was Ursus Circus and I decided I wanted to be a Lion, because what circus doesn’t have a lion? Mercurius was born that night on that stage. He has always been a part of me, another facet of my personality—my wild, ambitious, fun side, and that’s sometimes hard for me to be naturally.
NH4F: Please describe your Pet persona. Where does your name come from. What are your personality traits? How would we see you interact at a pet event or bar or pride festival? Who were your role models for this persona growing up?

Jonathan: My name comes from the Latin word for Mercury. I am a Gemini and the Planet Mercury Rules my sign. He’s a brat to be honest; imagine a house cat but much bigger. He likes to cause a little chaos on stage or in the mosh, but overall has the mentality of protecting the pride from those who would hurt them. Being a fierce guardian is a huge part of my personality. At events you will see me moshing with Pets who are enjoying their first mosh and speaking to the pets who may be sitting on the sidelines trying to figure out what they should be doing. I’m always trying to make everyone feel like they are part of the pride and that they belong.

Mercurius was modeled and molded after Scar from Lion King. Scar and I have much in common. I was the smallest of my brothers and sisters and had to focus on my intellect and problem solving ability as my way of getting through life. I also have a huge scar across my stomach that is noticeably visible from surgeries as a child. My favorite quote from Scar is “Well, as far as brains go, I got the lion's share. But, when it comes to brute strength, I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the gene pool.” It encompasses so much of who we are that we aren’t blessed with the best looks or strength, but our power lies elsewhere. 



NH4F: If you were able to describe your experience as a Pet to people outside the community, what would you say? Specifically, can you tell me how you would answer this question if you were talking about a) your mother; b) your friends from high school; and c) your current employer.

Jonathan: Explaining Pet play is very easy to sometimes convey. Pet play is a way of leaving the human brain behind and becoming one with the Animal that lurks inside. It is a headspace kink that helps one relieve themselves of the human world and gives them space to breathe and relax. Some Pets use Pet play to go further into kink and express fetishes; others like myself use it for the therapeutic use of letting go and decompressing. The idea that everyone has wanted to escape the real world is easy to convey; you just have to find a central point of understanding.

    For my mom, I would tell her I use it to escape the modern world that gives us so many issues; that I am a Lion, a big cat who likes to run around, knock stuff off tables. I would tell her if she ever noticed that there was always a glass knocked on the floor and that this is when Mercurius was showing himself and that he is still there.

    If I was speaking to my high school friends, I would say this: imagine being a mascot and totally embodying that animal completely. So instead of being the joyous Tony the Tiger… you become a Tiger minus Tony, just not minus the joy though. Essentially, you become that animal. In your body and mind, you transform into the identity of that animal.
    For my Boss I would say, you notice how sometimes my head pops up and you can hear a meow, but then you remember that there is obviously no cat in the workspace…well that’s me, or rather Mercurius, having some fun. Pet play is what allows me to continue doing my job on days of stress and worry. I know you have days where you want to get away from it all and breath and have one or nine glasses of wine; Pet Play is my wine.


(Feline Pride flag)


NH4F: Please tell us about your experience as the inaugural North American Pet. How did this prepare you for World Bear Weekend?
Jonathan: Being the first North American Pet, I put myself through a lot of worry and still do to this day. My predecessors Rookie and Gus Gus have also done an amazing job, going out and being accepting and loving, and showing that no matter the species, the fact all pets are accepted has been a focal point for us all.

    Running around during my title year has taught me that diversity in all aspects is so important. Even though there are PoC titleholders out there, there still aren’t that many Pet titles, and for the time being, Puppies still dominate the community, Pet-wise. I feel as if my coming out as a Lion has been received well enough to let people know that it's okay to be whatever animal you want to be.

    As for World Bear Weekend, being an overall competitive person made this competition more of a challenge because my co-competitors in the Pet category. That said, Haifisch Katzchen is a wonderful Unicorn and Person, and if I had to lose to anyone, I am glad it was them.

    Having Heath by my side to compete was wonderful and so helpful. We got to bounce ideas off one another and I had a solid rock by my side the whole time. Whether I felt like I wasn’t doing good enough or felt like I was going to fall, he was right there to pick me up and push me to do my best.   


 (Jonathan inspiring onstage at a contest bid)


NH4F: Speaking of Heath, what would you like to tell us about your journey with him, both in your private life with him as well as being support for him in his year as Mr. World Bear? 

Jonathan: What can’t be said about him that hasn’t already been circling the internet.  Heath is my rock and we have taken this titleholder journey together every step of the way. 

    Past experience as a titleholder showed me things in Heath that told me he had such potential to be a role model and guide for those who had no way or who had lost their way. I told him that he could do and be anything he wanted to and that he should try running. And that’s exactly what we did. Starting off in Providence, Rhode Island. Going to compete at NAB was something I never dreamed of, much less win both. Then we went to World Bear and not winning was hard, but to see him Glow on stage—to see him encompass what it means to be a Bear—was the best part of it all.

     I do my best to support him in any venture. I am honest when I think things aren’t great and we fine tune them and work them over until we believe it is right. I always listen to what he has to say and what he thinks is important. If I am able, I go to every event to be his sash wife and a supporter. He can sometimes get a little confuzzled, which is to be expected, especially when you’re running an event, but I am there to help sort things out.     

    Privately, it’s very different, as we come from two different worlds. From being a PoC and having no family and no kids, to being with someone who has kids and a family and is Caucasian. Sometimes we have differences that arise from the background of race and other times we have differences that are just stupid, which make arguments come up. We talk them through, we figure it out, we go to couples counseling, but the number one thing we do is love each other with all that we are. For people who have partners who are titleholders, be prepared to breathe and step back and be honest with your partner. Stand beside them and be there as much as you can for the sake of your mental health. 

(Jonathan and Heath, tenderly together)


NH4F: Tell me about something in the Pet community that you think needs to have a spotlight put on it.  

Jonathan: A big thing in the community is the aspects of Being a PoC in today's gay male society and how that is seen when you’re an interracial couple; as well as how the Pet and Bear communities intersect and how anyone can be a Pet regardless of age, color, or physical ability; and then that you can be any kind of Pet you want.

NH4F: What’s your favorite thing about rainy days?
Jonathan: I love some of the stillness that rainy days bring. Rainy days can be quite calming and even help you reach into that Headspace that I so look forward to. However, I am a cat and I can’t stand being wet when I don’t want to be or even the sight of the spray bottle.

NH4F: Can we boop the snoot?

Jonathan: Of course! I like my snoot booped. Just make sure you ask first.


(Jonathan and Heath at CT Bear 2024)


NH4F: What do we get right about Pets? What do we get wrong?

 Jonathan: There is a lot about Petdom that still isn’t written in stone. One of the things we do get right is that Pets are all over and that we are all different. Pets come from a variety of backgrounds, whether they were introduced via Leather, BDSM, Rubber, etc.

    The thing that most people get wrong about us pets is that we are the same as furries. We aren’t furries, but we are both identity-based personalities or personae; it’s very close, but not that same. There’s a lot of crossover. We get to make up our own flag with colors signify what our kinks may be or even that if some of us pets have a corresponding sexual identity.

    I am a very different pet as I don’t have a sexual identity attached to my pet identity. Mercurius is a fun loving, non-sexual Pet whose colors are red, white and black, with a slap of purple. Those colors don’t refer to things I am into; rather, they are the colors that express who I am.

NH4F: What do the colors in your flag symbolize?

Jonathan: Red is for the passion in my soul. White is for the purity in knowledge I've gained through my life. Black is for the dark parts of the human hart that live in all of us. The scar of purple is for the royalty in my heart and the burden I carry to protect those who don't know their way and have lost their way. You see it over the eye because I have seen the scars in the community for the pains and trails we have had individually. I need to watch over them, so people won't be hurt. (Editor's Note: Stay tuned, We will be previewing Jonathan's flag in a future share post for the article.)

NH4F: What’s the best way to vet a Pet? 

Jonathan: The best way to vet a Pet is to ask them about the events they have been to and participated in and if they have interacted with pets of other species. Also, focus on their ideology and knowledge of gear. When I am judging a Pet contest, I ask “what does it mean to be a Pet and whether or not gear needed to be a Pet. The first answer will help you see who the person is and what their ideas on what identity is to them, and the second question, which should ALWAYS be you don't need gear to be a Pet, but you need gear to mosh.

NH4F: What advice do you have for anyone thinking about running for a Pet title?

Jonathan: Be prepared! For anyone thinking about running for a pet title, the best thing is to know is who your judges are, but most of all know who you are. Be confident of who you are in and out of that hood. Since Pets don’t have a general perspective of where we come from, being who you are is the most telling. You have a story to tell, so tell it; if you have feelings about what it means to be a Pet, express it. Be proud of who you are when you are, on the stage, in front of the crowd, in front of the judges. Nothing makes me smile more than when I see a Pet get on stage and embrace and then be who they truly, unapologetically are.


(Proof that Lions love the camera.)

To support Jonathan in his big for World Pet 2024 at World Bear Weekend, please donate on PayPal, @LakevilleCub or at Cash app by clicking on the QR code below:

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